Well, if you liked the road art that we showed you earlier, you will definitely enjoy these unusual sewer decorations. Original underfoot creations by Project 6emeia grace the sewage holes of São Paulo. Some of them are simply cute:
Some show a bit of satire in them:
Quite a few make use of the objects sticking out of the ground nearby… Many are just brilliantly-clever, like this one: And there are many-many more pictures for you to admire here, unless you’d like to take a sewage tour of Brazil in person.
According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, Graphology is the study and analysis of handwriting especially in relation to human psychology. In the medical field, it can be used to refer to the study of handwriting as an aid in diagnosis and tracking of diseases of the brain and nervous system. The term is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to forensic document examination. Well, little did we know, there’s a whole part of graphology that studies specifically and exclusively DOODLING!!! A little excursion into the exciting world of psychology, anybody?
(sarcastic comments in parenthesis, italicized, by yours truly ;-))
Triangles, squares, pattern formations: organized brain, clear thinking process and planning skills, meticulous planning on one’s steps, efficiency, purposefulness (Vertical, small and unconnected writing: sanguine and\or phlegmatic – LE SENNE; thinking type – JUNG.)
(This sounds like genuine scientific lingo to me (long fancy words, abstract enough meaning) No complaints here)
Stars, sun, moon, celestial bodies: optimism, ambition, a need to prove and advertise oneself (Large writing, large differences of lengths, large initial letter, rising lines, choleric type – LE SENNE.)
(Now, “various types” is a bit too abstract for my taste, especially when the actual samples are all really what it says later on – celestial bodies, but let’s not neat pick in vain. Who would’ve thought, that drawing stars and sun is for the optimistic dreamers!!? Not me!)
Tension, difficulty and disturbances in concentration. (Inconsistent spacing between words and letters, tense writing, erratic, sentimental type – LE SENNE.)
(This is a bit better, although as far as I’m concerned, “abstract shapes” are the bread and butter of the common doodling, which is usually done to relieve stress, so, again, nothing new to doodle home about…)
Noughts and crosses, chess: competitive, plays to win (Large differences of lengths, quick writing, connected, connecting it’s in different parts of a word, connection between two words, impassioned and/or nervous types – LE SENNE.)
(OMG, omg, those who draw games are competitive!!! Now, THAT’s deep!)
Love of people, sees the positive in people and situations, optimistic, humane, good-natured, sensitive to his fellowmen, capacity to show empathy, friendly, enjoys social activities and events (Large middle zone, connected writing, medium right margins, rightward slant, choleric type – LE SENNE; feeling-extravert type – JUNG). He is interested in other people, has a need for closeness and social involvement. He has a keen sense for aesthetics, sensitivity and consideration in others.
(I’m sorry guys, I don’t mean to sound snobbish, don’t those who draw pretty faces… do so just because they can? I don’t mean artist-artists here, but just us, the regular folk? Huh?)
Talkative, loves the sound of his own voice. (Invasive, large writing, connected, choleric type – LE SENNE.)
(You don’t say!!! Really? How in the world did you come to this conclusion?)
Suspicious, lacks “joie de vivre”, bitter, dislikes people, doesn’t trust them, rebellious, lacks self-confidence, does not delegate and does not work well in a team. Bad-tempered, feels offended and deprived. (Small writing, narrow, tense, straight right margins, tension in the writing). He has a negative approach, looks for the worst in everyone and every circumstance and does not enjoy himself. He is highly judgmental, defensive, and tends to distort reality as a result of his “dark” view of things.
(Note to self: draws ugly faces=bitter, self-depreciating looooooser… Good to know! But what if he poor chap just isn’t a good artist??? Ever thought of that?)
Much ambition; a strong drive to prove himself; the end, in his opinion, justifies the means. (Large differences of lengths, large writing, impassioned type – LE SENNE). Impatient for prolonged processes and aims for the nearest goal.
(ladder=ambition. Makes sense. How corporate-thinking of them)
Search for a home. A need for family and willingness to invest in his family. A need for a spiritual shelter and search of self. Feelings of insecurity (could be temporary).
(Aaaa, this is cute… Drawing houses means investing in the family… REAL ESTATE MARKET IS DOWN, people, DOWN!!!! Wake up!!!)
Love of music. (Are you serious?!!!)
Patience, perseverance, methodical, developed ability to concentrate. (Homogeneous writing, stable, constant, phlegmatic type – LE SENNE.)
(Ok, whatever you say, doc…)
Friendly, sociable (motifs used extensively by social workers), sensitive, humane, warm, open. (Choleric type – LE SENNE.)
(Sure, sure…)
Likes to defend others (Social workers). Love of animals, A need to take under his protection. Sensitivity, consideration. Needs peace of mind.
(who doesn’t need peace of mind?… Why are the animal lovers so special?)
Sentimentalist; when in love, there is an understandable tendency to sketch hearts.
(Aha, especially if you’re a 13 y.o. girl and nobody “gets you” better than Brad Pitt on that poster over your bed…)
Desire to travel, an urgent need for a holiday.
(I think I’m running out of sarcasm here. Planes, boats and automobiles, anybody?)
A person who is under great stress and under the impression that the smallest of tremors might cause him to collapse.
( Let me try this one: “Desperately needs peace of mind… and a bigger piece of paper”)
17. FOOD
Person who likes to eat or who is dieting.
(Hm… What if I’m a person who likes to eat while on a diet? And what if I’m drawing cucumbers? Should I go straight to paragraph 21 below, of can I just chill out here?)
18. BARS
A sense of suffocation, a need to escape, a desire for freedom, a feeling that his actions are restricted.
(I think it’s time to bother that parole board again…)
Competitiveness, the need to prove virility, sexuality. (Lower zone which is very developed of inhibited.)
(I didn’t see this one coming… I don’t even understand what the phrase in parenthesis means. So, we must be on the right track.)
Ambition, a need to advance.
(Are we back to ladders? Ambition my ass. Stairs are good to doodle when you have a nice quad ruled notebook.)
Strong libido, sexuality. A need to demonstrate masculinity. (NO WAY!!!!!!)
On this pleasant note, I will leave you, my dear readers, to doodle, to contemplate and to analyze. There’s more fun stuff where all of this came from. And stay away from the cucumbers. I can swear, they spell trouble!!!!
Not that I need an extra reason to like Cirque du Soleil… I like pretty much everything about it – the music, the skill, the COSTUMES, the whole SHOW atmosphere you feel all around when you enter one of their yellow-blue-stripy tents. I got hooked when Bravo TV channel was showing a reality-show Fire Within about people in one of the Cirques then-new show Varekai. It was so fascinating that I immediately started ordering their other shows on DVD, listening to songs written on realistic-sounding-gibberish and even checked out a few books on them from the local library. When I finally got to see one of their shows (that very same Varekai) live, it was everything I was hoping it would be.
Now, 3 live shows later, and having tickets for a 4th, I got a CD-rom in the mail from them, promoting a new show KOOZA. And guess what? The whole CD cover is doodled! And if you go to the show’s site, you can see all these doodles come to life via animation. Very cool, but that’s exactly what I expected from THE Cirque.
Do you wanna doodle and become smarter at the same time? Then come to ScribbleStates and take a test any avid doodler will surely love. It gets an A+ from me for creativity and neat graphics.
Here’s another simultaneous doodling board for you, same idea as in the previous post, but nicer interface and more tools. I just don’t quite understand why they want it to look like something Disney-related. 8)
Comic Strips anyone?
That’s pretty neat. Ink and parchment. Any line you make actually comes out looking… pretty. Try it!
Oh, and while we’re at it – different media. Rough paper and various pastels to choose from. Very nice results, even if you’re doing “just lines”. Seriously!
Like Picasso? How about Mr. Picasso Head (not to be confused with it’s potato counterpart)?
As an art journaler, doodling started out as a small part of my pages. Lately, it’s become the main element. I don’t know what it is: the repetition, the mindlessness of the process…not really sure. Whatever it is, I dig it! I wasn’t an avid doodler growing up, basically sticking with words and figuring my future wouldn’t involve hand-drawn art or imagery. But my art journals have pushed me in another direction—down a path of doodling, collage and visual creativity.
Some pages contain a little bit of everything. Others are simply doodles and words. I love combining text with my doodles and see the text AS doodles. Sometimes I create what I call doodle quilts: Pages divided into sections of doodles, patterns, and words. For me, those are the most fun!
So whatever you do, keep doodling. You never know where it may lead you…
BTW: Please visit my blog at www.dblogala.typepad.com for journaling prompts every Friday. And look for my book 1000 Artist Journal Pages coming to bookstores this July! It’s a gallery book containing journal pages from artists all over the world.